Find Best Verified Broker

About Us


Verifybroker (VB) is an online portal. This platform tries to understand the users requirements in detail and links it to the verified service specialists (local guides) using technology and domain knowledge. VB is a leading internet platform in India. VB focuses on professional service clustered around the users home, where the users needs get fulfilled.

VB provides customer friendly services. Our service is mainly designed for customers' safety and satisfaction. In our application , there will be local guides and rera brokers related to all the places from India. We usually buy the property without knowing the exact value of the land and later we'll face more problems and most of them are still facing the problems because of the brokers. To overcome this problems we introduced an application called Verify Broker. Based on the reviews and ratings of the local guide you can contact them.By posting your reviews it will be very helpful to others so that they can contact a good local guide.

In VerifyBroker, we have Basic details of verified ventures and local guides , where you can directly contact them and compare the price then you can decide to buy or sell. The main advantage of VB is By using this Verify Broker, we can stop the commission and margin problems. Before buying/selling any assets please cross check that person mobile number on our application, if it is there you can see their past and reviews,rating then you can decide you can post the pictures of your assets in the app with the price and area details so that who are interested to buy or sell your property will directly contact you

App Features


Customer friendly service

you can post the pictures of your assets in the app with the price and area details.

Safe and secure

Based on the reviews and ratings of the local guide you can contact them

Find your local guide through our portal

Genuine Advisors list

App Gallery

friendly services
friendly services
friendly services
friendly services
friendly services
friendly services


  • what is VB?

    VB[ verifybroker] is an online portal.

  • Is it like normal real estate broker?
  • Did you registered in rera ?
  • Are you taking any fee or commision from the customers?
  • what is use of VB for brokers?
  • what are the advantages for customer's ??
  • If local guide or broker cheats me then??
  • How to use the app in the view of customer??


  • How to login in to the app as broker /local guide / bulider?
  • From where we can get this app to our device ?
  • How many states details are there in this portal?
  • Can the customer can act as a local guide as well?
  • Carrer opportunities?
  • I want Franchise? What is the procedure?

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